Council swan song includes warning about looming challenges
On Tuesday, the 2018-2022 term at London city hall concluded with a council meeting that offered politicians an opportunity to reflect on their time in office.
“You are the ones who deserve all of the accolades,” outgoing Mayor Ed Holder told his council colleagues and civic administration.
On Tuesday, the 2018-2022 term at London city hall concluded with a council meeting that offered politicians an opportunity to reflect on their time in office.
“We’ve come together as a team,” said departing Ward 3 Coun.Mo Salih. “We fought through and made a positive impact on our community.”
After eight years representing Ward 5, Coun. Maureen Cassidy thanked a long list of city staff, “The poverty panel and the work we did there was so incredible.”
Holder and seven councillors will not be returning.
Several departing councillors offering advice and words of caution about massive challenges on the horizon.
“It’s going to be tough,” warned Coun. Jesse Helmer who chose not to seek re-election. “We have progress to make ending homelessness, improving safety and well-being in our community.”