Convoy protesters break through Surrey RCMP barricade with military-style vehicle as others march to U.S. border on foot
Several commercial trucks and a military-style vehicle broke through an RCMP barricade on the Pacific Highway as they followed protesters marching to the border crossing at approximately 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon.
Several commercial trucks and a military-style vehicle broke through an RCMP barricade on the Pacific Highway as they followed protesters marching to the border crossing at approximately 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon.
Several officers are now cut off from their colleagues by what Mounties describe as a hostile mob. Hundreds are now on foot and celebrating near the border crossing with traffic at a standstill through a massive area of south Surrey.
A large RCMP presence had greeted “Freedom Convoy” supporters who arrived at the Pacific Highway truck crossing Saturday morning, screening motorists and commercial trucks. A few hours later, police resorted to blocking the route with police cruisers as protesters made it to closer to the border crossing on foot.
Dozens of Mounties had worked to speak with each driver, and those who needed to actually cross the border were able to do so, while the rest were diverted.
The crowd had thinned, but by approximately 1 p.m., more vehicles arrived and a sudden surge of RCMP vehicles blocked the Pacific Highway to the border to keep Canadian-flag-festooned vehicles from continuing on.
“We don’t want any vehicles, either protest or counter-protest, coming in areas where there are significant amounts of people,” said. Sgt. Elenore Sturko of the Surrey RCMP. “We’ve had on and off closures with people linking arms.”
Around 2:15 p.m., most of the demonstrators walked to the border along 176 Street as a handful of commercial vehicles made their way through. Initially, the RCMP had tried to keep them from continuing on, but then backed off after a military-style vehicle with the truckers broke through the barricade.