Convoy occupation of Ottawa enters 20th day
There is still no clear sign that occupiers in downtown Ottawa are leaving, as their protest against public health measures and the federal government enters a 20th day.
Tuesday saw major developments at the Ottawa Police Service, with the resignation of Peter Sloly as chief of police, and the announcement from newly named interim chief Steve Bell that, with the help of OPP and RCMP officers, the Ottawa police are now in a position to end the occupation.
How they will do it remains unclear, as does the police service's use of new powers granted under the federal Emergencies Act. The Ottawa Police Services Board heard Tuesday that the police service is still studying the regulation to determine how it will be applied in this case.
"We have been working with our legal team and those of our provincial and federal partners to understand implications of various orders and actions and consider the impacts on our ultimate mission," said acting deputy chief Trish Ferguson.
Ferguson told the board that as of Tuesday morning, police had 172 active criminal investigations related to the occupation, 18 arrests had been made and 33 charges had been laid. With the help of Ottawa Bylaw and Regulatory Services, nearly 3,000 tickets had been issued.