Conservative political novice elected South Korean president
Gulf Times
Yoon Suk-yeol holds bouquets as he is congratulated by party’s members and lawmakers at the National Assembly in Seoul yesterday. (Reuters)
Conservative South Korean opposition candidate Yoon Suk-yeol was elected president yesterday in one of the closest fought races in recent history which will shape Asia’s fourth-largest economy for the next five years. Yoon, 60, from the main opposition People Power Party, edged out the ruling Democratic Party’s Lee Jae-myung with 48.6% of the vote to 47.8%, with around 99.3% of the ballots counted as of 5am today. Yoon said he would honour the constitution and parliament and work with opposition parties to heal polarised politics and foster unity, calling the election a “victory of the great people”. “Our competition is over for now,” he told a news conference, thanking and consoling Lee and other rivals. “We have to join hands and unite into one for the people and the country.” Lee had conceded defeat and congratulated his opponent. “I did my best, but failed to live up to your expectations,” he told a news conference, blaming his “shortcomings”. “The president-elect, I desperately ask you to overcome divisions and conflicts and open an era of integration and unity.” Despite being a political novice, Yoon shot to fame after spearheading high-profile investigations into corruption scandals engulfing incumbent President Moon Jae-in’s aides. Yoon has pledged to stamp out graft, foster justice and create a more level playing field, while seeking a “reset” with China and a tougher stance towards reclusive North Korea. The unusually bitter election campaign was marred by scandals and smears, but more than 77% of South Korea’s 44mn eligible voters cast ballots to pick their next leader. The policy stakes are high for the country of 5mn with a rising global status, as it has been riven by gender and generational divisions, growing inequality and surging home prices. Yoon also has to tackle challenges including South Korea’s worst wave of Covid-19 infections and North Korea’s evolving nuclear and missile threats.