Conservative party investigating complaint by Patrick Brown team about racist email
Global News
The Conservative Party of Canada is investigating a complaint lodged by Patrick Brown's leadership campaign about a racist email it says it received from a member.
The Conservative Party of Canada is investigating a complaint lodged by Patrick Brown’s leadership campaign about a racist email it says it received from a member.
Calgary MP Michelle Rempel Garner, who is helping Brown in the race, shared a screenshot on Twitter of an email that she says the campaign received from an active member of the party.
The Canadian Press has not been provided with a copy of the email in question.
The text that Rempel Garner shared expresses support for Nazism and includes racist remarks directed at Black and Asian people.
The Conservative party confirmed on Twitter that it would investigate the complaint in accordance with rules that govern how and whether one’s membership can be revoked.
It says it condemns all forms of racism and takes such allegations seriously.
The text shared by Rempel Garner ends with the author saying they support Pierre Poilievre, an Ottawa-area Conservative MP who is also running in the leadership race.