Conservative MPs Scott Aitchison and Marc Dalton launch Tory leadership bid
Global News
Two more Conservative MPs joined the party's leadership roster Sunday, with Ontario's Scott Aitchison and British Columbia's Marc Dalton launching their campaigns.
Two more Conservative MPs joined the party’s leadership roster Sunday, with Ontario’s Scott Aitchison and British Columbia’s Marc Dalton launching their campaigns.
Aitchison, 49, chose a craft brewery in his hometown of Huntsville, Ont., for his opening event, promising to bring an end to the hyper-partisan antics and political games that are the norm now in Canadian politics.
“More partisan bickering is simply not the answer,” he said, as an energetic crowd waved colourful signs simply printed with the word “Scott” on them.
“Solving problems requires real leadership. I’ve been in Parliament now two terms. And I am dismayed by the energy wasted on political games, instead of getting things done. What’s missing in Ottawa is leadership.”
He promised a campaign free of attacks on his opponents that focuses on the economy, national and global security, climate change and housing.
Dalton, 61, did his launch on Twitter, saying in a posted video that one of his first actions as leader will be to initiate a public inquiry into how the federal Liberals handled the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dalton accused the Liberals of using pandemic contracts to line the pockets of their friends, making decisions based on politics rather than public health, and ignoring evidence about vaccine injuries to push ahead with “coercive measures to get people vaccinated.”
Both men were first elected to the House of Commons in 2019. Aitchison previously served as a councillor and then mayor in Huntsville, and Dalton as a B.C. Liberal MLA.