Conservative group unleashes 6-figure ad campaign targeting Biden's menthol cigarette ban
Fox News
EXCLUSIVE: A conservative advocacy group is unleashing a six-figure ad blitz in several swing states targeting President Biden's pursuit of a menthol cigarette ban.
"Sadly, it appears the menthol‐ban train has already left the station," Jeffrey Singer, a senior fellow at the free market Cato Institute, wrote in a report on Oct. 17. "This means more business opportunities for purveyors of black market products — ranging from illicit drugs to cigars and cigarettes. And if history teaches us anything, we can expect to witness many harmful unintended consequences." Thomas Catenacci is a politics writer for Fox News Digital.
"Prohibition fuels an underground market where peaceful, voluntary transactions become crimes. It gives law enforcement another reason to interact with non‐violent people who commit these victimless crimes," Singer added in comments submitted to the FDA months earlier. "With menthol cigarettes more popular among Blacks and Hispanics, expect police to focus their attention on minority communities."