Conservation authority warns of elevated water levels along upper Thames River
The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority says that while serious flooding is not expected, the public is advised to steer clear of the Thames River as rain continues to fall in London, Ont.
Updated forecasts call for 10 to 25 millimetres of rain across the watershed Tuesday, the conservation authority said. However, snow throughout the watershed has already melted and compacted to a point where it has little capacity for absorbing any additional meltwater or rain.
If higher rainfall forecasts materialize, the UTRCA said it expects water levels similar to last week, with serious flooding not expected. It anticipates water levels will be elevated for the remainder of the week.
The public is reminded to exercise caution and stay away from all bodies of water. Any ice cover will be weakened and unstable.
Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery and, when combined with cold, fast-moving water, pose a serious hazard.
Parents are reminded to keep their children and pets away from all watercourses and off of frozen water bodies.