Concerns persist as warming shelter opens near homeless camp in central Alberta city
A tent lies mangled on a pile of soot where a fire burned down part of a homeless encampment in a central Alberta city.
Marsha Louis, who lives in one of the remaining tents held up by shards of wood and covered in tarps, says the only item that survived the fire was a ceramic angel.
The winged ornament sits on top of wooden crates that act as a wind barrier. Louis calls it their guardian angel.
"It looks over us."
As the sun disappears beyond the horizon on a cold December night, Louis says it's a struggle to keep warm in Wetaskiwin's "tent city." Freezing rain has also turned the area into an ice rink.
About 25 people currently live at the camp in Wetaskiwin, southeast of Edmonton.
Across a snow-covered field to the camp's northeast, a warming shelter recently opened. Temporary trailers sleep up to 25. While some are using the new space, others like Louis are choosing to stay in the camp.
"They told us to go over there, but my friend's in a wheelchair and my common-law [partner] can't really walk. They have no ramp for a wheelchair," says Louis.
"I'd rather stay here... I just worry about the other people around."
The camp started up in August, after the city forced the closure of its only homeless shelter. It moved clients to a city-owned plot of land behind a Walmart.
An outreach group said up to 60 people were living there in the camp in October. Some have left for nearby cities, including Edmonton, where more supports are available. Others haven't been seen in weeks, and several agency workers have said they are unsure what happened to them.
On the December evening, fires crackle throughout the camp. Portable washrooms are soiled and there are no lights or hand washing stations. The temperature dips to -10 C.
The warming site, run by the non-profit Mustard Seed organization, is open from 3:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily, with plans to expand around the clock. No alcohol or drug use is allowed on the property and space is limited for people's belongings.
Francis Lee Thom says it's worth the risk to keep his possessions at the camp while he uses the shelter. He calls it a "saviour of his life."