Commotion at Chennai RBI office on Republic Day after staff did not stand for Tamil Anthem | Watch
India Today
Onlookers during the Republic Day celebrations in the RBI Chennai office called out the staff for not standing when the Tamil anthem (Tamil thai vazhthu), which is also the state song, was played.
A commotion ensued in the RBI Chennai office during Republic Day celebrations after the staff did not stand up for the Tamil anthem (Tamil thai vazhthu). The incident escalated after onlookers began to question and condemn the RBI staff for not standing up during the Tamil anthem.
The Tamil Nadu government has made the Tamil anthem (Tamil thai vazhthu) the state song. It also made it mandatory to stand when the song was played as a sign of respect.
However, the arguments quickly escalated after one of the RBI staff said that there is no court order that says people have to stand during the Tamil anthem. One of the onlookers asked him to furnish proof, and the staff replied saying, “Why should I?”
In reply to this, the onlookers said that the Tamil Nadu government had issued an order to stand for the Tamil anthem during government functions. They further asked the RBI staff as to why they did not stand up despite working and being in Tamil Nadu.
Adding to this, one of the onlookers said that the RBI staff had insulted the Tamil anthem and there was no point in talking to the RBI staff anymore.
When the staff did not reply to this and simply turned their backs and walked away, the onlookers also slowly left the scene.
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