Committed to concluding interim FTA with India, says Australian Minister Dan Tehan
The Hindu
Minister to arrive in Delhi today as talks reach crucial phase
: Australia is committed to concluding an , Canberra’s Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan said on February 9.
Mr. Tehan will arrive in India on a special visit later in the day as negotiations between the two sides reach a crucial phase amid possibilities of further enhancement of post- opportunities for travel and tourism. “Mr. Goyal [Minister of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal] and I have been in regular contact over the Christmas/New Year period because we are both committed to concluding an interim free trade agreement. Nothing can replace face-to-face meetings to help speed up the process in the interest of both countries,” said Mr. Tehan in a statement ahead of his arrival here. Mr. Tehan said the FTA (Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement) would be a blessing for Australian business, farmers and workers, and would create job opportunities for Australians.