"Comfortable But Damaging": CRED Founder's Post On Work From Home Sparks Debate
"Impact of WFH on youth is the same as impact of children who study at home," wrote Kunal Shah
CRED founder Kunal Shah has started a discussion around the advantages and disadvantages of working from home with one of his tweets. On Sunday, Mr Shah shared his take on the impact of work from home (WFH), saying that it could be "damaging" in the long run. Working from home became the norm during the coronavirus pandemic as several companies moved from traditional workspaces to digital ones in early 2020. Nearly two years later, as the world continues to battle the pandemic, many professionals are still working from home while others have returned to office. Impact of WFH on youth is the same as impact of children who study at home.No real bonds. No real social or network skills. Illusion of understanding and learning. No osmosis.Comfortable but damaging in the long run. Kunal when there was no school or college people still progressed.People don't progress at the office by doing a mundane job they progress by finding new exciting alternatives.Many people who did WFH are now happy & found something else to work on for the rest of their life. Strongly disagree!Remote work is democratizing opportunity. And the youngsters of today, mostly the ones living in poor countries, will benefit the most.For the first time ever, they'll have access to opportunities that their parents didn't!https://t.co/qEUVjXECvV With respect, disagree on this part.Some job don't require work from offices.Most people don't love daily reporting to offices and are happy with WFH.WHF is a step towards location based freedom for many. Both of you can be exceptions, not benchmark. Kunal has point according to me. When you go to office, travel to work, meet people in person work with them, see them work, travel for work you learn millions of thing.Fault lies in assuming all 10 out of 10 folks can do your way Totally agree Kunal and I think it's not only relevant for youth but for all employees. We are social beings and don't see the WFH to be a sustainable one in the long term if that's the only model available for employees. I can't be the only one who feels WFH is more productive for meetings.Virtual ones end sooner, are more focused, have less bakar. Often juniors at work learn by simply observing and overhearing seniors and that process is suffering in efficient WFH world.Seniors should consider inviting juniors for some meetings just to observe on mute.
In his tweet, Kunal Shah said that the impact of work from home on the youth is the same as the impact of studying at home on children. Elaborating on what the impact is, he said working from home did not foster real bonds or social skills.
"No real bonds. No real social or network skills. Illusion of understanding and learning. No osmosis," wrote the 38-year-old founder of fintech company CRED, adding that WFH was "comfortable but damaging in the long run."