Coimbatore Corporation to install over 1,000 streetlights in Central Zone
The Hindu
Coimbatore Corp. to install 1,000+ street lights in 19 wards at ₹90 lakh. Funds allocated from general funds. Lights to be installed on TANGEDCO poles and single-arm poles. Analysis conducted to identify 670 spots for 40-watt LED bulbs and 418 spots for 20-watt LED bulbs. Second package to install 289 lights of 120-watt capacity in 6 wards.
The Coimbatore Corporation will install over 1,000 street lights in 19 of the 20 wards in Central Zone at a cost of ₹90 lakh and the installation works would begin soon, according to Commissioner M. Prathap.
During the council meeting held on July 31, Mr. Prathap said the State had allocated ₹20 crore for installing streetlights and poles in the newly-developed East, West, North and South Zones. But,funds were not allocated for the Central Zone as there was no noticeable development.
Now, the civic body has sanctioned ₹90 lakh from its general funds to install lights in this Zone.
The Engineering Department of the Corporation has proposed the installation of 1,088 lights in response to the increasing population in the city and in accordance with the regulations suggested by the Directorate of Municipal Administration. According to regulations, it is required to have a streetlight every 30 meters.
The Department recently conducted a ‘gap analysis’ to identify areas with poor lighting. Based on this analysis, the civic body identified 670 spots that require 40-watt LED bulbs and an additional 418 spots need 20-watt LED bulbs.
As per the department analysis, Ward 32, which has a population of 15,847, according to the Corporation’s records in 2017, has been allotted the highest number of dark spots in both categories. Meanwhile, Ward 62, which has the same population, does not have any dark spots. .
During the council meeting, the councillors expressed concerns about the dim areas in Kurichi that fall under eight wards of the city. Mr. Prathap said that the current set up in that location requires a complete change of the fitting in order to replace the bulbs.