CNN to buck tradition by putting commercial breaks in Biden-Trump debate: report
NY Post
CNN reportedly plans to run commercials during its coverage of the debate between President Joe Biden and former commander in chief Donald Trump — bucking a decades-old tradition.
The struggling cable news channel — which landed the first of two debates to be broadcast June 27 — revealed its decision to run ads in rules for access that were recently issued to members of the DC Television News Pool, as well as subscribers of its feed and to CNN affiliates, Variety reported late Thursday.
In past election cycles, presidential debates have run ad-free under the management of the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates.
But this time, the candidates bypassed the commission and reached separate deals with CNN and ABC News, which will hold its presidential debate Sept. 10.
CNN’s decision to run ads will allow rivals Fox and MSNBC that carry the feed to sell their own commercials during the debate — at possibly a higher price than the third-place cable news channel, sources told Variety.
CNN did not offer any information on the number of ad breaks that will air during the debate, which will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, or their duration.