Cleveland auto mechanic becomes doctor at age 51, inspires others to pursue their dreams
Fox News
Carl Allamby started life in a small suburb of East Cleveland and became an auto mechanic. Yet he never forgot his childhood dream of being a doctor — and finished medical school at age 47.
"We faced economic hardships throughout my upbringing and were on welfare for what seemed to be my entire childhood." "My saving grace was our strong family structure. My siblings and I always stuck together." "The human body seemed to be the most complex of anything I encountered, which always fascinated me." "I worked very hard to stay ahead, but I think all of my responsibilities kept me focused on what needed to get done." Every day is different, he said — and just as with a car, his work in the emergency room has the "potential to go from 0 to 60 in seconds." "Plan your work and work your plan. Your sacrifices today will produce advantages for tomorrow."
"While thinking about the things we hold dear to our hearts, I think our health, our families and friends and our cars rank high on the list," Allamby told Fox News Digital in a recent phone interview.
"When any of these fail us or suffer loss, emotions run high — and life as we know it can be turned upside down."