![Civilian Army Leader Led Child Porn Ring, Risked U.S. Security](https://cdn.newsy.com/images/videos/m/1648920077_EI9WwB.jpg)
Civilian Army Leader Led Child Porn Ring, Risked U.S. Security
An Associated Press investigation finds that the U.S. Army and the state of Arizona missed or ignored multiple red flags over more than a decade.
David Frodsham was a top civilian commander at a U.S. air base in Afghanistan when he "jokingly" asked an IT technician for access to YouPorn, the video-sharing pornographic website.
During his time in the war zone, Frodsham told one woman that he hired her because he "wanted to be surrounded by pretty women," and routinely called others "honey," "babe," and "cougar" before he was ordered home after the military verified multiple allegations of sexual harassment.
"I would not recommend placing him back into a position of authority but rather pursuing disciplinary actions at his home station," wrote one commanding officer when recommending that the Army order Frodsham to leave his post at Bagram Airfield and return to Fort Huachuca, a major Army installation in Arizona, according to a U.S. Army investigative file obtained by The Associated Press.