City of Saint John adopts a 4-day work week
Saint John city council has unanimously approved a four-day week for most city employees.
Starting Oct. 17, most employees will be working longer days from Monday to Thursday. The city approved a year-long trial, and will evaluate whether to continue the program later in 2023.
"All employees who can change will be working at least the same number of hours they do now but on a compressed Monday through Thursday schedule," city manager John Collin said in a news release.
In a presentation to city council, Collin said this new schedule will extend morning and evening hours for the city's customer service centre and development office.
The new schedule will apply to most, but not all, employees.
Collin said some services in public works, the City Market, recreation centres, transit, parking enforcement, Saint John Water and public safety services will be uninterrupted throughout the week.
The city's service centre is currently open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Starting Oct. 17, the new hours will be Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.