City of Ottawa, police warn of traffic disruptions downtown for 'million person march' protest
The city of Ottawa is warning residents and visitors of traffic disruptions downtown and around Parliament Hill Wednesday morning for the 'Million Person March for Kids' protest.
The city of Ottawa is warning residents and visitors of traffic disruptions downtown and around Parliament Hill Wednesday morning for a planned demonstration.
The "Million Person March for Kids" is expect to converge on Parliament Hill between 9 and 11 a.m. to protest the teaching of 2SLGBTQ+ issues in schools. Several groups have promised to counter-protest the demonstration.
It's unclear how many people will be attending the march in Ottawa. Similar protests are planned for cities across Canada.
The city of Ottawa says temporary traffic delays and road closures might occur during the demonstration, especially near Parliament Hill, and drivers should plan their routes accordingly.
Ottawa police will be monitoring the event and residents can expect an increased police presence downtown.
"The Ottawa Police Service is aware of reports of planned demonstrations, and we are working with our municipal and policing partners on integrated operational plans," a police spokesperson said in a statement to CTV News Ottawa.
"It is the role of police to ensure that community safety is upheld, laws are enforced, and lawful demonstrations are allowed. Police presence does not indicate support for any cause."