City in crisis: New data reveals alarming increases in need across London area
A new report shows a clearer picture of just how many vulnerable Londoners are struggling becuase of the ongoing impacts of the pandemic.
From increases in crisis calls to rising homelessness, the London Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse (LCCEWA) presented its annual snapshot of London's health and wellbeing Tuesday at London's Covent Garden Market leading up to International Women's Day, tracking between between April 2021 and March 2022.
The data shows the impacts of isolation and inflation that the community is experiencing — along with a need for more short- and long-term solutions, said Jessie Rodger, executive director of Anova and co-chair of the LCCEWA.
"In the recovery of all of this we're not just thinking about our economy, we're also thinking about the people who were some of the most impacted," Rodger said. "We're going to need to rally together as a community to meet the needs of our community."
The increase in crisis calls and food insecurity is alarming, they said.
LCCEWA Snapshot 2022 highlights:
Many individuals, women and families are in crisis — and organizations are also in a state of crisis responding to those needs, she said. Organizations are already working beyond capacity to respond to realities of gender-based violence in the community working to ensure safety for those who are harmed and experiencing harm.
The most vulnerable people in our community need [more] support, said Jennifer Dunn, executive director of the London Abused Women's Centre and co-chair of LCCEWA, echoing the concern.
"We need to continue to have awareness raising, funding, education, to be able to continue the work that we're doing. It's unacceptable that anybody in our community is as vulnerable as they are, that women are still facing as much violence as they are and we need to do better," she said.