CHSE Class 12 Arts result 2022 likely to be out tomorrow| Know websites to check result
India Today
The CHSE Odisha Class 12 result 2022 for Arts stream is likely to be declared tomorrow, August 8, 2022. Students are advised to keep their login credentials ready, to check their results easily.
CHSE Odisha Class 12 Arts result 2022: The Council of Higher Secondary Education Odisha, CHSE Class 12 Arts results are likely to be declared tomorrow, August 8, 2022, on the official website, i.e., chseodisha.nic.in.
The exam conducting body has already released the results for the Science and Commerce streams earlier. Once released, students will be able to check and download their results from the official website.
As per the previous trends, there is a possibility that the results for Class 12 Arts will be declared at a press conference, wherein Odisha State School And Mass Education Minister Samir Ranjan Dash will announce the result. Once declared in a press conference, students will be able to check their results on the link given on the website.
On the day of the result declaration, the official websites usually crash because of heavy traffic on the particular website. So, to avoid any delays and rushes, it is advisable to check results on the other websites.