Chinese Virologist Says Dr Fauci Emails Prove Her Wuhan Lab Leak Claims
A trove of Fauci's emails covering the onset of the coronavirus outbreak was released this week to media under a freedom of information request.
A Chinese virologist, who was among the first to suggest the COVID-19 virus leaked from a Wuhan lab, said that US top coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci's emails prove that she was right all along. A trove of Fauci's emails covering the onset of the coronavirus outbreak was released this week to media under a freedom of information request. In one email sent last April, an executive at a health charity thanked Fauci for publicly stating that scientific evidence does not support the lab-leak theory. Dr. Li-Meng Yan was one of the first to research the emerging coronavirus and previously revealed she was forced into hiding after accusing Beijing of a cover-up, New York Post reported.More Related News