Chinese Province Offers Year-Long Maternity Leave To Encourage Couples To Have Children
China announced in May that married couples may have up to three children, after data showed a dramatic decline in births.
A landlocked province in northwest China, in an effort to encourage couples to have children, is looking to sharply increase the duration of paid maternity leave to nearly one full year, putting it on par with some developed economies in Europe.
Shaanxi is seeking public opinion on allowing an additional half a year of maternity leave on top of the current 168 days. That would put the province in the same league as European nations like Germany or Norway.
Shaanxi is also considering doubling the length of paternity leave to 30 days for couples looking to have a third child.
China announced in May that married couples may have up to three children, after data showed a dramatic decline in births in the world's most populous country.