Children Between 12-17 To Be Vaccinated By October: Central Panel Chief
Dr NK Arora said there are about 44 crore children in the country under the age of 18, but added that children contract only mild infections.
A list is being prepared to vaccinate children between the age of 12 to 17 years against COVID-19 and the details will be made public before the Zydus Cadila vaccine - the first vaccine to be administered to children - is rolled out in October, chief of the advisory group of immuunization said. Dr NK Arora, Chief of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), quoting Sero survey, also said that chances of children facing serious health complications due to the virus were very unlikely, as he suggested reopening of schools, which he said was necessary for "intellectual development" of the children. "There are 12 crore children in the between 12-17 years of age. They are unlikely to have serious health complications or death due to the virus. On the contrary, chances of health complications in their parents, who may be between 18-45 years, are likely by 10-15 times. Hence, our priority is to vaccinate this group under the national vaccination drive before we start vaccinating children," Dr Arora said. He said there are about 44 crore children in the country under the age of 18, but added that children contract only mild infections. "According to Sero survey, children do contract the infection, but chances of serious health complications or death was very unlikely. Children can co to schools. There is no need for vaccination. But it is necessary to develop a shield around them - by ensuring that their parents and school staff are vaccinated," he said.More Related News