Chicago gangsters outnumber cops 10 to 1 as spike in crime reaches fever pitch
Fox News
Amid nationwide calls to defund police departments and a rise in crime in major cities, the number of Chicago cops that have retired this year has already surpassed all of the retirements in 2018 and are on track to be the highest number in the department’s history.
"We are on track, I believe to have one of the highest retirement numbers in the city’s history," Ald. Ray Lopez told the newspaper. Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, citing Superintendent David Brown and Mayor Lori Lightfoot’, wrote that the city’s roughly 117,000 gang members outnumber the city’s 13,000 police officers by roughly 10 to 1. "To me, the miracle in Chicago isn’t that 11 were killed this weekend and 19 the weekend before, it’s that it was not worse than that," Rivera later said to Fox News Digital, elaborating on his earlier comments.More Related News