Charlottetown bypass's separate lane for walkers and bikers is finished. What's next?
Work has wrapped up on the third and final phase of an active transportation path that makes its way along Charlottetown's bypass highway, letting pedestrians and cyclists travel from Stratford across the Hillsborough Bridge to the hospital, the airport or the Confederation Trail, among many other destinations.
Now the City of Charlottetown and active transportation groups are talking about what's next.
The group Bike Friendly Communities said it would like to see attention turn to connecting routes within P.E.I.'s capital city, allowing easier movement around the region.
For now, the city's chair of environment and sustainability, Coun. Terry Bernard, said it's just exciting to see the bypass project completed.
"I can tell you from myself using it, it's gaining popularity — no question," Bernard said. "Personally, I see active transportation exploding. Year after year, you're seeing more and more people get active."
Work on the just-completed active transportation corridor started years ago, along Acadian Drive near the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
The project's first phase cost $1.4 million, the second phase from Norwood Road to Brackley Point Road took $1.2 million, and the final phase extending the lane to Mt. Edward Road was another $700,000, for a total cost of $3.4 million.
"Through the active transportation fund, through the provincial and federal government, we've been able to capture a 50 per cent cost share for this project," Bernard said.
"We probably wouldn't do it without that.That was one of the issues we had back years ago, was to try and get the funding to go from the hospital to St. Peters Road. It was a huge cost. "
But now, Bernard said, "Governments are starting to see the benefits of it. Governments are starting to put money into it.
"Climate change definitely is one of the reasons. But I think safety, and getting people out to do active transportation, is another big bonus."
He said Charlottetown has just hired a new sustainable transportation officer, who will help the city decide what the next projects will be.
As well, he pointed out, the city has added bike lockers at the Fitzroy Parkade that cycling commuters can rent for $20 monthly, through the Charlottetown Area Development Corporation. That might appeal to people worried about having their ride stolen.
"Bikes aren't cheap anymore, bikes are pretty expensive," Bernard said.