Centre Vs Delhi Electricity Body On Power Allocation To States
According to the statement, if any reallocation is to be done it is only on the request of the state government; and that also in case any other state is willing to take the surrendered power.
The Power Ministry on Saturday clarified that allocation of power from central generating plants is done by the Union government to states on their request and the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has no jurisdiction over those.
"Power from the Central Generating Stations (CGS) is allotted by the Central Government to the States on their request. The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has no jurisdiction in the matter," a power ministry statement said.
According to the statement, if any reallocation is to be done it is only on the request of the state government; and that also in case any other state is willing to take the surrendered power.
The DERC jurisdiction extends only to fixation of tariff and giving advice and direction to discoms of their state. The DERC cannot give any direction to the central or the state governments, it stated.