Centre To Give Financial Assistance To Resolve Problem Of Stubble Burning
The setting up of plants will help resolve the problem of stubble burning and generate income for farmers, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav
The central government on Thursday said one-time financial assistance will be given to individuals and companies to set up torrefaction and pelletisation plants to ensure a regular supply of paddy straw for co-firing in thermal power plants and industries.
The setting up of these plants will help resolve the problem of stubble burning and generate income for farmers, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav said at a workshop on "Guidelines for grant of one-time financial support for the establishment of pelletisation and torrefaction plants to promote utilisation of paddy straw".
Along with unfavourable meteorological conditions, paddy straw burning in Punjab and Haryana is a major reason behind the alarming spike in air pollution levels in the national capital in October and November. Farmers set their fields on fire to quickly clear off the crop residue before cultivating wheat and potato.
According to government data, Punjab and Haryana generate around 27 million tonnes of paddy straw a year, of which around 6.4 million tonnes is not managed.