Central African Republic leader offers cease-fire to rebels
ABC News
The president of Central African Republic has declared a unilateral cease-fire with the armed rebels who tried to overthrow his government earlier this year
BANGUI, Central African Republic -- President Faustin Archange Touadera declared a unilateral cease-fire Friday with the armed rebel groups that have threatened to overthrow him once already this year in Central African Republic, though it was not known whether militants would hold their fire.
The surprise move by the president came without any immediate reaction from rebel spokesmen, and it was not known why Touadera had decided to make such a conciliatory gesture after long opposing dialogue with armed groups.
“Peace is priceless, and there is no true peace except that which comes from a frank dialogue between the sons and daughters of a country torn apart by endless crises such as ours," Touadera said in a speech carried on national radio. “We must give peace a chance, regardless of the atrocities and injustices suffered, the suffering and bruises endured.”
He urged the rebel leaders “to finally respect their word and give peace, security and living together a chance, as a guarantee for the socio-economic development of our country.”