CBSE to group schools for minor subject board exams: Check CBSE minor subject list here
India Today
CBSE will group schools for the minor subject Term 1 board exams so that they can be conducted in the shortest duration. Check out the CBSE minor subject list here along with the major and minor subject date sheets for Classes 10 and 12.
CBSE is starting off with a new board exam pattern from this academic year (2021-22) onwards under which board exams will be held twice a year Term 1 with 90-minute MCQ papers to be held in November-December, and Term 2 with 120-minute MCQ + subjective papers to be held in March-April.
CBSE clarified before that since there were so many subjects in Classes 10 and 12 across India, it won’t be conducting exams in the exam centres for each of the subjects. It divided all the subjects into minor and major subjects.