CBSE Term 1 Result LIVE: Details On Class 10, 12 Marksheets, Direct Links
CBSE Term 1 Result LIVE: CBSE is expected to declare the term 1 results soon on the official websites -- cbse.gov.in and cbseresults.nic.in. Follow this blog for latest updates on CBSE Class 10, 12 term 1 result date, term 2 exams.
CBSE Term 1 Result Live: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is expected to declare the term 1 results soon on the official websites -- cbse.gov.in and cbseresults.nic.in. To download the CBSE term 1 scorecards, students will have to use their roll numbers and registration numbers. Students who can also access their Class 10 and Class 12 CBSE scorecards from DigiLocker. DigiLocker will also notify the students on their registered contact numbers or email Ids of their CBSE scorecards once they are released.
The question papers in the term 1 CBSE exams had multiple-choice questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs and MCQs on the assertion-reasoning type and was held for a duration of 90 minutes covering 50 per cent of the rationalised syllabus.
Meanwhile, for the CBSE Class 10, 12 term 2 exams which have been scheduled for March-April 2022, the board has already released the sample papers on the CBSE website.