CBSE Term 1 Result LIVE: Cbseresults.nic.in Class 10, 12 Result Updates
CBSE Term 1 Result Date, Time: After CISCE, the CBSE is expected to announce term 1 board exam results on cbseresults.nic.in.
CBSE Class 10, 12 Term 1 Results 2021-22: The CBSE term 1 results for Class 10 and Class 12 board exams will be declared soon. Once released, CBSE results will be available on cbseresults.nic.in, on DigiLocker and other platforms. To check the results, students will need to use their roll numbers and school numbers as login credentials. Register here for CBSE term 1 result, term 2 free question papers, syllabus, preparation tips
Meanwhile, the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has declared ICSE (Class 10) and ISC (Class 12) semester 1 results today.
The Central Board of Secondary Education had earlier informed that term 1 result will not be published as pass, fail or essential repeat. The final result will be announced after term 2 board exams scheduled for March-April, 2022.
Date sheets for CBSE term 2 exams will be released on cbse.nic.in or cbse.gov.in.