CBSE Term 1 Result 2021 LIVE: cbseresults.nic.in Know When 10th, 12th Results To Be Declared
CBSE Term 1 Result 2021 LIVE: Students can check their scores on the official websites – cbseresults.nic.in, cbse.nic.in, cbse.gov.in and through the DigiLocker website and app
CBSE 10th, 12th Term 1 Result 2021 LIVE: The results of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 10, 12 term 1 examinations are expected to be announced this week. Replying to a query on when classes 10 and 12 results will be declared, board’s spokesperson Rama Sharma said, “will let you all know when confirmed”. Register here for CBSE term 1 result, term 2 free question papers, syllabus, preparation tips
The CBSE Term 1 exams for Class 10 and 12 were held in November-December 2021. Students can check their scores on the official websites – cbseresults.nic.in, cbse.nic.in, cbse.gov.in and through the DigiLocker website and app, once declared.
Candidates must note that the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 term 1 result will not be published as pass, fail or essential repeat. The final result will be announced after term 2 board exams scheduled for March-April, 2022. Date sheets for CBSE term 2 exams will be released on cbse.nic.in or cbse.gov.in.