CBSE Term 1 Result 2021 LIVE: cbseresults.nic.in 10th, 12th Results Soon; Websites, Direct Link
CBSE 10th, 12th Term 1 Results 2021: "There's a possibility of announcing the term 1 results for both classes 10, 12 this week. The board will announce the result date, once confirmed," said an official
CBSE 10th, 12th Term 1 Results 2021: The students who are waiting long for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) classes 10, 12 term 1 exam results must know that the CBSE is likely to announce the term 1 result this week. Speaking to careers360.com, a board official said, "There's a possibility of announcing the term 1 results for both classes 10, 12 this week. The board will announce the result date, once confirmed. The students are advised to follow the official websites only for updates on exams and results." Register here for CBSE term 1 result, term 2 free question papers, syllabus, preparation tips
Students can download CBSE marksheets from the board websites and using other digital platforms. The CBSE term-1 result will be available at cbseresults.nic.in, cbse.nic.in, cbse.gov.in. To download CBSE results, students will have to use their board exam roll numbers and school numbers.
The Term 2 board exams will begin on April 26. The detailed date sheets are expected on cbse.gov.in.