CBSE Result 2022: Latest updates, how to check Class 10, 12 term 1 marksheets @ cbseresults.nic.in
India Today
CBSE Term 1 Result 2022: CBSE is expected to declare the class 10 and class 12 Result 2022 for term 1 board exams next week. Know the latest updates on CBSE term 1 results and steps to check the marksheet on the official websites.
CBSE Term 1 Board Result 2022: The CBSE Class 10 and 12 board results of the term 1 examination are expected to be released next week. CBSE has not yet announced the confirmed date and time for the declaration of the classes 10 and 12 board results 2022. The students are advised to keep their admit cards handy to check their marksheet on the official websites -- cbseresults.nic.in and cbse.gov.in.
The CBSE term 1 board result 2022 can be checked by entering the roll number, school number and other details on the official websites.
CBSE Term 1 exams were conducted in MCQ format from November 16 to December 28, 2021.
Students who are anxiously waiting for the CBSE term 1 results must note that the board will not declare any student pass or fail or essential repeat. CBSE will publish the final board result after the successful completion of the term 2 exams.
The CBSE term 2 datesheet is also expected to be released anytime soon. As per reports, the CBSE term 2 board exams are scheduled to be held in March-April, 2022.
A few days back, a fake notice was doing the rounds regarding the CBSE board result date. The fake notice stated that the CBSE Term 1 results for classes 10 and 12 would be declared on January 25. However, the board warned the students that it was fake. The candidates are advised to only check the official social media handles and official website of CBSE for the latest updates on CBSE term 1 results 2022.
Moreover, CBSE term 1 results 2022 will be made available to candidates on Digilocker. 'CBSE 2022 Term 1 Results Coming Soon' is visible on the official website of Digilocker -- https://www.digilocker.gov.in/