CBSE Class 12 Term 1 Exams LIVE: Major Papers Start With Sociology Paper Today; Admit Card, Exam Guidelines
CBSE Class 12 Exam LIVE: The first day of the CBSE Class 12 term 1 exams starting from today will be held for the Sociology paper from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the Class 12 term 1 major exams from today, December 1. The first day of CBSE Class 12 term 1 exam will start with the Sociology paper from 11:30 am for a duration of one hour and 30 minutes. The format of the question paper for the CBSE Class 12 term 1 exams will be multiple-choice questions. CBSE Class 12 exams will continue till December 22.
Students will be required to carry the CBSE term 1 admit cards along with them. CBSE will hold board exams in OMR sheets for the first time. Students will be required to darken the correct option using a black or blue point pen only. Use of pencil is not allowed during exams.