CBSE Class 10th result 2022 DECLARED: 94.40% students clear exam
India Today
CBSE Class 10th result 2022: The Central Board of Secondary Education has announced the Class 10 results today, July 22, and along with that, the board has also released the pass percentage for the current academic year, which is 94.40 percent.
CBSE Class 10 result 2022: CBSE Class 10th result 2022 has been declared today, July 22. All the students can check their CBSE Class 10th Result 2022 for term 2 board examinations on the official websites - cbse.gov.in, cbseresults.nic.in, parikshasangam.cbse.gov.in and results.cbse.nic.in.
To check the CBSE 10h result 2022 quickly, students need to type their roll number and other details on the official website of CBSE for easy download of results. This year, the overall pass percentage recorded for the current academic year is 94.40 percent.
This year the board has recorded a pass percentage of 94.40 as overall pass percentage. Also, girls have outperformed boys in CBSE Class 10 results 2022 with 1.41 percent. Students are advised to check and download their results now before any delays.
Students can check their CBSE Class 10 results on the official website,i.e.,cbse.gov.in, cbseresults.nic.in. and if the official website crashes, then students can check their results on DigiLocker, SMS, via IVRS quickly.
The CBSE results 2022 final mark sheet has been prepared after considering the weightage marks based on the performance of a student in both term 1 and term 2 exams.