CBSE 12th Result 2021 LIVE: Term 1 Result Soon At Cbseresults.nic.in; How To Download Mark Sheets
CBSE 12th Term 1 Result 2021 LIVE: CBSE 12th result, once released online will be available at the official websites- cbse.gov.in, cbseresults.nic.in. CBSE term 1 result will also be available on the DigiLocker app and digilocker.gov.in
CBSE 12th Term 1 Result 2021 LIVE: The students who are waiting long for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 12 term 1 examination result 2021, may get their result by this week. CBSE class 12 result is likely to be released offline like class 10 released last week. Register here for CBSE Class 12th term 1 result, term 2 exclusive study materials, syllabus, questions papers, preparation tips, and more
If CBSE released the class 12 result offline, the students can collect marksheets from their respective schools. CBSE 12th result, once released online will be available at the official websites- cbse.gov.in, cbseresults.nic.in. CBSE term 1 result will also be available on the DigiLocker app and digilocker.gov.in.
Over 36 lakh students appeared in the term 1 10th, 12th exams which were held in November-December. The class 10 result was earlier released in offline mode on March 11, and the students' marksheets were shared with schools over email.