Cash it if you can
The Hindu
The North-South cards are very difficult to bid. The two-club opening did not help, but it is hard t
The North-South cards are very difficult to bid. The two-club opening did not help, but it is hard to see a much better auction regardless of the opening. South was a player known to us only as Hedin, from the Faroe Islands.
Expecting the ace and queen of clubs in the dummy, West made a deceptive lead, trying to talk Hedin out of a winning finesse. Hedin won with dummy’s ace, led a diamond to his ace, and ruffed a heart. A diamond back to his queen was followed by another heart ruff in dummy. A club ruff brought him back to his hand and the ace and king of spades dropped the queen. Hedin continued with the jack of spades and then the ace of hearts, hoping the king would fall. This was the position:
Hedin exited with his last trump to West’s 10. West led the six of diamonds and Hedin unerringly put in dummy’s 10 to make his slam. A kibitzer later asked him how he knew to play the 10. Hedin’s reply: “If he had a non-diamond left, he probably would have cashed it.”
Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu inaugurates CNG, PNG projects in Rayalaseema region. Andhra Pradesh has the unique distinction of being the second largest producer of natural gas in India, thanks to the Krishna-Godavari (KG) Basin, he says, adding the State will lead the way towards net-zero economy.