Carter: Title 42 repeal makes a very dangerous situation for law enforcement and Americans
Fox News
Sara Carter joins "Hannity" to discuss how border states are expecting a wave of new migrants after the repeal of Title 42.
SARA CARTER: Oh, much larger numbers than last year, Sean, they're expecting a tsunami, a wave of people coming from all over the world. I can tell you…so we're looking from October, the fiscal year Border Patrol, October 2021. Until now, there's been over a million apprehensions. I was told by a senior DHS official that 600,000 got-a-ways on top of those one million apprehensions were expected this year alone, and they're expecting more than 3 million people to be apprehended by the end of this fiscal year. It's absolutely incredible, and I was up there with DPS Air Patrol, and I can tell you the thing they are most concerned about, Sean, are the people that are coming over the mountains where I was at in camo, people that did not want to be captured. There were narcotics. We actually were able to fly over an area where three huge bundles of marijuana, over 300 pounds of marijuana had been left in the Canyon Ridge to be picked up later than the people disappeared. They disappeared, Sean, onto I-90, onto I-10. Their resources are limited and it is a very, very dangerous situation. These are not people that want to be turning themselves into Border Patrol. These are people that are wearing camo. They are trying to get away. They are trying to blend into the environment. They are bringing fentanyl and other drugs and…very dangerous situation for both our law enforcement officials, as well as Americans and those that are being trafficked.