Canmore gourmet business dumps president after he sent transphobic email
Warning: This story contains transphobic and homophobic language.
A prominent gourmet food supplier, caterer and retailer in Canmore, Alta., has removed its president from running the company after he sent a transphobic email to organizers of that town's Pride events.
Canmore Pride had reached out to ownership of Valbella Gourmet Foods to inquire about sponsorship or food donations for an "inclusive and free climbing event" during Canmore Pride that takes place in mid-September.
The response — containing a series of conspiracy-laden, transphobic and homophobic insults — took Canmore Pride co-chair K Kealey aback.
"I was really shocked and obviously very disappointed," they said. "I'm a trans person myself, so it's also very harmful and always so disappointing when, you know, people still think think that way. And a lot of his message just brings forward these horrible stigmas that are really dangerous to our community."
The email, signed by Jeff von Rotz, repeated untruths about trans people as dangerous to children and perpetrators of violence.
But in reality it is trans people who are in danger of being on the receiving end of violence and abuse, Kealey said.
"It's extremely harmful and upsetting," Kealey said.
Kealey said they posted the email on a private message group of queer people who live in the Bow Valley to let the community know how the business was treating trans people and that it may not be a safe space for them to patronize.
"Everyone was very angry and upset that someone would say something like that," Kealey said.
The message was eventually posted on Twitter, where the wider community expressed support for Canmore Pride, causing a social media storm.
The company released a statement Tuesday afternoon on its Facebook page after users began calling on major customers such as Fairmont Hotels and the Banff Centre to cut ties with Valbella.
Signed by Chantal von Rotz, the statement apologized for the email and said the person who wrote the email has been removed from the company and is no longer responsible for its operations.
"The words of the one person do not reflect the opinions of the many people who work as part of the Valbella team," the post reads. "On the contrary, we strive to make our company an inclusive workplace where all are welcome."