#cancel12thboardexams2021, students plea continue
India Today
Lakhs of students and parents are demanding the cancellation of Class 12 board exams. But, there has been no solid response to their plea. Here's what we know about the Class 12 board exams so far. Have a look.
It has been more than one month since the Class 12 students have taken to Twitter with a storm, demanding CBSE to cancel the postponed board exams. However, so far, the Class 12 students have not received any response from the Central Board of Secondary Education. However, speculation started forming on social media that CBSE had decided to cancel the Class 12 board exams. #CANCELBOARDEXAMStudents are on see-saw@DrRPNishank #cbse pic.twitter.com/Aj3TPk0w76 #cancelboardexam#cancelclass12thboardexams2021 #CBSEMany students currently situation,, pic.twitter.com/4piO9Ur25e Students want cancellation of class 12 CBSE board exam. Cancel it we can't be studying the same syllabus. We have competitive exam. #cancelclass12thboardexams2021 #CBSE #CANCELBOARDEXAM pic.twitter.com/4L3mU9wRf6 @Student0181 #CANCELBOARDEXAM#CBSE#CANCELBOARDEXAM#cancelclass12thboardexams2021Be ready for a huge wave of corona if exams aren't cancelled pic.twitter.com/737O6rgwbg When will our gov. turn propitious and cancel our exams? India recorded 4lac+ cases today! This is growing more woebegone. We & our parents don't want to risk our lives. "Give us marks on the basis of Project". #CBSE #CANCELBOARDEXAM @PMOIndia @DrRPNishank @ZeeNews @IndiaToday pic.twitter.com/KbLsPnm8GX — Swapnil Dongre (@swapniljivi) May 15, 2021 — Sushant (@Sushant40534606) May 15, 2021 — Priyanshu Sahoo (@Priyans83181780) May 15, 2021 — Student (@Student41763644) May 15, 2021 — SIDDHANT RAI (@SIDDHAN10359452) May 15, 2021 Responding to the speculation, a CBSE official recently said, “It is clarified that no such decision (cancellation of exams) has been taken regarding Class 12 board exams, as being speculated. Any decision taken in this matter will be officially communicated to the public.”More Related News