Can you be addicted to food? Theory on what's fuelling North America's obesity problem gains ground
Saturday at 7 p.m. on CTV: W5 investigates a theory that's not widely accepted in scientific circles, but is gaining ground: that North America's obesity problem is being fuelled by a physical addiction to highly processed foods.
“The last time I was in the hospital, all my organs were shutting down. My lungs, my heart, my kidneys, my liver. Everything was saying ‘sayonara Slim’, we’re out of here,” he told W5.
When Matthew was last weighed, the scale tipped 760 pounds. It’s a weight he blames not on lack of willpower, but on addiction.
“It’s the same with an alcoholic. They say ‘quit drinking’. Not so easy. Same with a drug addict..’just put down the drugs.’ It’s easier said than done.”
Matthew knows a thing or two about addiction. For 14 years he was a heroin addict. He believes his drug abuse masked a food addiction that he’s had since childhood. It’s an addiction he says came back with a vengeance when he kicked heroin.