Calls to School Education Department’s helpline go up manifold
The Hindu
After the facility was publicised, the number has increased from an average of 300-400 a day to 1,100
After the School Education Department publicised its 14417 helpline among students, the number of calls has increased from an average of 300-400 a day to 1,100. With the cases of sexual offences against students surfacing recently, the Department has been promoting its helpline number as well as the 1098 ChildLine among students, encouraging them to report any incident of sexual abuse or harassment.
School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi has said both the numbers will soon be printed in all textbooks. But some districts have already begun stamping the numbers on the books of the students.
“While we usually get 300-400 calls a day, the number can go up to 600 when the admissions begin under the RTE Act as parents call in with questions. Over the last two weeks, however, we have had a significant increase in the number of calls, mostly from parents who ask us about the process of filing a complaint of sexual abuse or harassment and how we plan to handle such complaints,” said Paul Robinson, Operations Head, 14417 Education Information Centre.