California legislators propose law to stop police from using rape kit DNA in other crimes
San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is partnering with legislators on a proposal to ban victim DNA from being entered in searchable databases that could eventually identify them as criminal suspects in unrelated, future cases.
The proposal comes with an endorsement from San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott, whose agency recently referred a case to the DA's office in which DNA from a sexual assault victim was used to solve a property crime, six years after the fact. Boudin's refusal to file charges based on the DNA evidence brought the issue to light.
"Victims of sexual assault should be encouraged and supported in coming forward to undergo sexual assault examinations to identify their perpetrator," Boudin said in a news release on Monday. "Instead, the practice by a police crime lab that my office exposed treats victims like criminals."

The White House is making clear it views President Donald Trump’s Friday Oval Office showdown with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as an overwhelming win underscoring Trump’s “America First” leadership, dispatching top officials and allies on the airwaves to amplify Trump’s handling of the situation even as European leaders are putting on a key show of force of unity for Ukraine and its leader.