California lawmaker proposes bill to help kids who have lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19
Two years after the coronavirus pandemic first started, life is returning to normal for some. But that's not the case for hundreds of thousands of kids who lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19. More than 1 out of every 360 kids lost a parent or other in-home caregiver to COVID-19, according to a report from a nonprofit advocacy group.
Karter and Krew are among the nation's COVID orphans. Their 25-year-old mother died of complications from the coronavirus before she could hold her infant son delivered by cesarian section in a Louisiana Hospital.
Louisiana is one of 34 states where 200 or more children per 100,000 lost a parent, according to an analysis of CDC data. In California, the state legislature has a proposal to help them.

Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church, a megachurch in Southlake, Texas, has been indicted on five counts of lewd or indecent acts with a child, stemming from alleged incidents dating back to the 1980s, the Oklahoma attorney general's office announced Wednesday. We are aware of the actions being taken by the legal authorities in Oklahoma and are grateful for the work of the justice system in holding abusers accountable for their actions. We continue to pray for Cindy Clemishire and her family, for the members and staff of Gateway Church, and for all of those impacted by this terrible situation.