California governor seeks more than $300 million to combat smash-and-grabs
Stung by recent headline-grabbing smash-and-grab robberies, California Governor Gavin Newsom said Friday he will seek more than $300 million in state funding over three years to boost law enforcement efforts to combat retail theft.
"The issue of crime and violence is top of mind all throughout not only the state of California but across the United States, highlighted recently by some high-profile retail theft operations," Newsom said.
He added that "these organized retail mobs ... (have) a profound impact on our feelings of safety here in this state, this region and as I note, this country."

In the past year, over 135 million passengers traveled to the U.S. from other countries. To infectious disease experts, that represents 135 million chances for an outbreak to begin. To identify and stop the next potential pandemic, government disease detectives have been discreetly searching for viral pathogens in wastewater from airplanes. Experts are worried that these efforts may not be enough.