Calgary election: Nenshi calls on Farkas to apologize for ‘skimming’ comments
Global News
Farkas' comment was in reference to an accounting issue identified by city administration following a request by local developers last year.
With Calgary’s municipal election just days away, the city’s outgoing mayor has expressed frustration over recent comments by one candidate in the running to be his successor.
During an appearance on Global News Morning on Friday, Naheed Nenshi said comments made this week by Ward 11 councillor Jeromy Farkas during a debate hosted by the Calgary Construction Association were false and misleading.
Farkas was in the process of explaining why he felt businesses don’t trust city hall when he pointed to an accounting error made by city administration, and accused city staff of “skimming money” from local developers.
“City hall establishment, the administration, including the planning department that Councillor Gondek is chair of the committee for, basically got away with skimming money off the top. Millions and millions of dollars that industry had paid into these fees, and reallocating that interest income into other priorities without actually showing industry the receipts,” Farkas said during the debate.
Farkas’ comment was in reference to an accounting issue identified by city administration following a request by local developers last year.
According to the city, interest income from off-site levies was inadvertently transferred into general revenues.
The city collects funds from local developers through off-site levies to be used to build infrastructure in new communities and are kept in several accounts until they’re used to fund those projects.
Following a review, city administration called the issue an accounting inconsistency. $56.3 million was transferred from reserves back into the original fund during budget deliberations last year.