Bridge on OMR is safe, says Highways Department
The Hindu
‘Cracks appeared due to wear and tear’
The Highways Department has said that a bridge on phase II of Rajiv Gandhi Salai near the salt pans was safe for use.
A video, doing the rounds on social media, showed a crack on the bridge and an audio in the background suggesting that the bridge was likely to collapse.
Officials said that the minor bridge was in very good condition, and the crack would be filled in a couple of days.
Chennai has two categories of Black kites: a larger group heading to the city from the western parts of India during the south west monsoon and heading back when the monsoon is past; and another group, smaller and resident, which would make minor movements in and around Chennai looking for an optimal atmosphere for nesting and raising the young. A couple of pylons in Perumbakkam suggest that Black kites have found an ideal nesting space there