BRETT TOLMAN: New York legal lawfare circus against Trump is Constitutional threat that must be dismissed
Fox News
The broader consequences of the New York case against Trump are about more than any one individual: it’s a litmus test for the health of our criminal justice system.
Brett Tolman is executive director for Right on Crime and former United States attorney for the District of Utah. Tolman was a leading figure in the drafting and passage of the First Step Act, one of the most sweeping reforms of the federal criminal justice system in decades.
From its inception, this case has been marred by political overtones. The charges against Trump—34 counts of falsifying business records—may hold technical validity, but there’s no hiding that the broader context serves ulterior motives. Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney, pursued this case not in the "interest of justice," as required by the U.S. Supreme Court, but in a politically charged atmosphere that undermines public trust.