Breakthrough: Are the Kids Alright?
Experts say when it comes to children, parents should pay attention to prolonged behavioral changes.
The pandemic has been hard on adults. But for children and teens, the past year has meant isolation, hours in front of a screen, and a lot changes. And now, many are heading back into the classroom. "Some basic things that we can do as parents, first of all, talk through concerns with them, ask them how they're feeling about going back, what are the things you're most excited about? What are the things that you might be concerned about? If you are concerned, parents might be surprised that a kid who seems totally fine with it might record a lot of concerns, and another kid who seems a bit worried might be able to find a lot of things they're excited about," explained Parker Huston, a pediatric psychologist at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio and clinical director for On Our Sleeves. According to a recent poll from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, 46% of parents have noticed new or worsening mental health conditions among their teenage children since the pandemic began. So experts say pay attention to prolonged behavioral changes.More Related News